Posts in FARMING
Preparing for your fall garden

I'll be honest with y'all. I'm afraid to admit it, but I think I have a bit of a black thumb. And maybe its not that I have a black thumb but just that I am really, really forgetful when it comes to watering my little plant babies. BUT I AM TRYING TO GET BETTER OK. As I type this I am actually remembering that I am supposed to water our hanging baskets today, so hold on I'm gonna go do that real quick.

Like I was saying, I do not have extensive gardening experience, butttt luckily I married a man who is arguably the best gardener I know. I mean, he lives and breathes plants and if you think I am exaggerating then ask the huge wire rack he just put in our living room to start his seeds under lights. Or ask literally anyone who has had a conversation with him. He is the real deal.

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Lessons from the farm

My name is Grant and I am the Farmer part of “The Farmer and I” and I also happen to have the good fortune to be dating Carrington! As of today, I also happen to be the internet’s newest and most unlikely blogger.

Just a few short months ago, I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Agricultural Economics and began my career in the fast track industry that is small-scale farming. More specifically, I accepted a position as the farm manager for Texas Specialty Cut Flowers (also known as Arnosky Family Farms), located between Wimberley and Blanco in the Texas Hill Country.

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