May Happenings + Goals


Happy May! I say this every month but, HOW is it already May? This year is truly flying by like none other.

I really love this time of year. In the garden, things are lush and full of color and life slowly starts slipping into summer mode but the heat hasn’t quite taken over yet. The farm is in full on production mode and we’re wrapping up our last few weddings until we break for the summer and for baby’s arrival. I’m in my final trimester of pregnancy and the countdown is on until little JB joins our family, 10 more weeks!

If you’re new around here, each month, I try to make some monthly wallpapers and while I’m not 100% consistent with it, they’re always a good reminder for me to refocus and get excited for a new month.

Here are some of my goals/things I’m excited about/my focus for May. I hope this serves as encouragement for you to pause and think about the coming month. I would love to hear from you— what are you excited about this May or what are some of your goals?


— my mama coming in town for Mother’s Day + taking her to my favorite restaurant

— two really fun and exciting weddings to flower for

— a couple free weekends

— a weekend away for our Babymoon (tbd where!)

— front porch dinners

— river time + finding some pools to relax in!

— my close friend having a baby!!

things i want to accomplish

— organize the nursery

— checking off things on my baby to-do list

— spring cleaning + organizing a couple areas in our home!

— placing flower orders for the rest of the season

— establishing a good morning routine

— write regularly and more blog content

things i want to focus on

— simplifying our home, schedule and spending habits

— spending time with Jesus to start my day

— praying as a couple at the end of each day

— budgeting for our family!

— business finances

— reducing my screen time

Excited for a new month that provides a fresh start! I hope your May is wonderful:)
