My Favorite Coffee Tools + Sweet Cream Iced Coffee Recipe


First of all, I want to preface by saying that I am in NO way a coffee aficionado. The only real qualifications I have for writing a blog post on coffee is that 1. I’ve been drinking it for years and a lot of it and 2. I took a coffee processing course in college (almost failed it but not the point!) So not a whole lot other than I just really like coffee and I know what I like to make!

Anywayyys, whenever I’ve posted about how I make my coffee on Instagram, I’ve gotten lots of questions about the different things I use to make coffee~ so here they are all in one blog post for you with links to everything!

for everyday drip coffee


For my everyday coffee each morning, I use this Cusinart Coffee Maker that has a grinder built in. It truly makes the yummiest freshest cup for me each morning. I’ve had it for 2 years now and it works amazing.

Easy + simple, nothing fancy here.

The kettle to the left is what I use for hot tea, hot cocoa, etc!

In that amber pump bottle I keep liquid sugar in the raw to pump in for a little sweetener.



Moka Pot

This is my favorite (and a really cheap) way to make espresso. I’ve had my moka pot for YEARS and I love it so much. I love the simplicity of it— the process is soothing to me.

It’s an Italian method of making espresso that brews coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. It take less than 5 minutes and it fairly hands off.

I have the one cup size!




This frother is a WINNER. It makes wonderful foam both for hot and cold lattes.

I’ve found the best kind of cream to use is half and half for fluffy foam that lasts.

This exact one is sold out but here’s the link to a really similar one at the same price point!


sweet cream cold foam recipe


— half glass full of cold brew (or strong chilled coffee) + ice

— drizzle of maple syrup

— dribble of vanilla extract

— dash of salt

— quarter cup or so of half and half

add all but the ice + coffee into frother, press cold setting, and then pour on top!

* I do the same for my hot latte, except I use the hot setting and use espresso from my Moka pot!