Posts in BUDGET
15 Ways to Save Money Planning Your Wedding

If you are engaged, chances are you've probably had two opposing internal dialogues throughout the wedding planning process.

One side of your brain is saying, "It's my one day to splurge a little, so it's okay if I spend a little on (fill in the blank)."

The other part of you is saying, "Okay, its just one day, do I really need to spend this much on (fill in the blank)?"

I 100% had both thoughts over and over as I planned my wedding so I am in no way judging for either thought process. I'm not here to say you shouldn’t splurge on a photographer for your big day or that you need to skimp on expensive linens— it's YOUR day, and you (and whoever is helping fund your wedding) get to determine what is important to you for your wedding day.

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